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Writer's pictureUrsina Fried

Do you fear hypnosis?

2 Hühner im Garten auf einer Stuhllehne
Gackern wie ein Huhn - Cackle like a chicken

In the last blog, I talked about "ANGST hypnosis". But what do you do if you are scared of hypnosis?

We see things that scare us. We see a show hypnosis and a person who is clucking like a chicken. That would frighten me as badly. But I know you won't have that experience unless you want to. What hypnotherapists do has absolutely nothing to do with show hypnosis.

Wha can you expect:

Now, what is hypnosis, hypno-coaching and what could remove your fear?

Can anyone be hypnotised?

Yes, everyone can be hypnotised. Even you go through your everyday trances, you watch a very sad film and the the tears flow. You are deeply absorbed in your work, someone approaches you... and you are startled...

Hypnosis is working with the unconscious. We all have an unconscious that perceives everything 24/7 and guides you. That's why I know that hypnosis is effective.

The following question comes up over and over again:

Mensch in Rauchwolke
Willenlos - without will

Am I going to be without will?

In a hypnotic state, the conscious mind retreats and allows the subconscious to come forward. When idiomotor movements occur, hypnotic phenomena appear (e.g. the twitching of a finger, eyes that simply want to stay closed), then this has to do with your subconscious. ... the nice part is that when you no longer want it, the state of trance is ended.

It would scare me if I had that power (to make you lose your power and how helpful would it be if you cackled?).

When is hypnosis helpful?

Hypnosis helps with psychosomatic symptoms, change processes of all kinds. Issues on a physical level, unwanted patterns, fears, phobias and much more. Yes, when is hypnosis helpful? For most issues where our inner director is in charge.

What do I expect from you as a client?

Openness, curiosity and that you are ready to embark on the adventure of hypnosis.

Frau auf einem Stuhl mit Notzheft in der Hand
Vorbereitung - preparing

Would you like to prepare for hypnosis?

Making an appointment with me is the first step towards your successful change work. Because you are the expert on your "topic". I have never had anyone in hypnosis who came just out of curiosity. If you know what you want to change or have discovered that something is holding you back, then this is already valuable preparation.

What is the subconscious?

The model I work with is the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind is the logical, rational, reasonable part of your thinking. It is the point of your immediate focus, the part that is currently paying attention to me. It is able to do a handful of things at once. It has a limited capacity.

In contrast, your subconscious is constantly working, all in the background, most of it outside your conscious mind. It is the emotional, imaginative and creative part of our thinking, our mind. For me, the unconscious is the part that maintains all our belief systems and our thought and behaviour patterns. Everything you do without having thought about it. If you start something and can't stop or can't start something, it's because there's a thought pattern running in your subconscious.

If we want to change this type of thought pattern, we need to access it and offer a more favourable pattern.

Wendeltreppe, die nach unten führt.
Hypnose - Hypnosis

What is hypnosis?

We enter into communication with the subconscious. We reach the parts that enable us to change.

What is a hypnotic trance?

A deeply relaxed state that allows the subconscious to emerge. Some people also call the hypnotic trance a kind of "flow" state.

Is one session enough to solve my problems or how many sessions do I need?

Who knows, maybe the desired change will be achieved after one session. In my experience, the subconscious likes it when the change is deepened so that we can achieve lasting results. However, sometimes there is still an obstacle that needs to be resolved.

Depending on the topic, it takes 4 - 5 sessions. Clients with chronic illnesses may come more frequently (more than 5 sessions), with extended intervals between appointments.

How long does a hypnosis session usually take?

A hypnosis session lasts about 1 to 1.5 hours. The quality of the session does not depend on the length of the session.

Did it make you interested? ... and your hypnosis fear is not quite gone yet? Then get in touch for an exploratory talk. Send me an e-mail so that I can make you a suggestion.

All the best


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